Tag Archives: Religious Right

Blame the Evangelicals?

Per the Daily Beast: The moral corruption apparent in the largest segment of American Protestantism began in the ’80s when Jerry Falwell Sr.’s Moral Majority and Ralph Reed’s Christian Coalition started to cozy up to politicians with a conservative social and economic agenda. It’s precisely at that moment when pollsters began to record a retreat […]

Christainty as a means to an end.

Russell Moore: A religious right activist group from Washington placed fliers in our church’s vestibule, outlining the Christian position on issues. Even as a teenager, I could recognize that the issues just happened to be the same as the talking points of the Republican National Committee. With many of these issues, there did seem to be […]

The Religious Right Is Still Dead

The Trump victory should not fool any Religious Rightists who hitched their wagon to his campaign. The fact that a pig like him should be elected is a sign that the R.R. is about as influential as the Religious Left, which is to say that its role is no longer to help shape social realities but […]

The Post-Christian Right and the Comming Christian Ghetto

Ross Douthat points out that only about 15% of churchgoing Republicans supported Donald Trump in the primaries, their support generally went to Rubio, Cruz or Carson (two Cubans and a black guy, because churchgoing Republicans are soooo racist). Had the religious right been a stronger element in the Republican party, the Rubio campaign would hypothetically be […]