Category Religion

The Atheist Killed his Own God?

I’ve argued that atheism is a zombie ideology, i.e. an ideology that has outlived its usefulness but still runs amuck eating brains, but these guys argue it was never useful even for its own purposes: The context is that atheist apologist Peter Boghossian of Street Epistemology fame has been increasingly realizing that the left is […]

Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Islam, Atheism, and Christianity

I always take Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s descriptions of Islam with some salt, she carries a lot of resentment towards her former faith and I have no way of knowing if her experience is indicative of the whole, but when she describes her youth under the influence of the Moslem Brotherhood you can see some issues: […]

Is Atheism Serious?

This is a theme I’ve been puzzling over and I might have figured it out. I have generally taken atheism as a serious stance regarding the question of God or the divine, and though I still think in principle that an atheist can be a morally and intellectually serious person over the last few years […]

Meltdowns in Tradistan

There are normie Catholics and there are trads. A trad rejects the reforms of Vatican II and I understand where they are coming from. Vat II produced some nice documents but was otherwise a disaster. I sometimes attend the old Mass because it gives the priest less scope to irritate me and the music is […]


Pride Month is the anti-Advent. 6th month vs 12th month; Summer solstice vs winter solstice; Pride vs humility; Noise vs silence; Gratification vs abnegation; Sterility vs fecundity. Both celebrations are about marginalized people: Mary and Joseph were not elites but were poor people in a difficult situation. Unplanned pregnancy is where most of us originated, […]

Happy St George Floyd Day!

I never realized that the feast of St George Floyd falls within the Novena of the start of Pride Month. Which of course proves the truism:

Is Atheism Dead?

Atheism is still the governing ideology of the contemporary world and probably will be for some time. Simple unbelief continues to grow (or rather, old beliefs continue to collapse) and shows no sign of abating. But, movements can become zombies, shambling along with the appearance of life, eating people’s brains, while being essentially dead for […]

Getting to Acceptance

A few weeks ago I was having dinner with family and everyone was complaining about the nation’s devolution into ever greater stupidity. It occurred to me that they were going through the stages of grief for America, or perhaps for their idea of what America should be, and were currently in the “Anger” stage. I […]

News Flash: David French still doesn’t like Trump

David French has a little book review of a book called  Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation. The title pretty much says it all. French summarizes the book this way: Evangelicals have adopted a caricature of masculinity from American culture – the John Wayne model of strength […]

The axioms of atheism

Here is a theory I’ve stated elsewhere in an sloppy, unorganized way: Either the human perception of order, goodness and beauty is an experience of something really existing in the world, or it is a projection of the human mind upon the world. Whether order, goodness and beauty are real or projections is unproveable. The […]