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RIP Rachel Nagy

I’ve been listening to The Detroit Cobras on and off for a 3-4 years now and was hoping to see them in person, but I only found out today that the founder and lead singer Rachel Nagy died in January 2022 at the age of 48. I love a good cover band and The Cobras […]

Rundown of Unpublished Posts

Do you always have a bunch of posts in your queue that you either never finish, or finish and don’t bother publishing? I do. I thought I’d summarize some of mine and explain why I never bothered putting them up. Neo-Paganism: In which I explain that Neo-Paganism (of the right-wing variety but the critiques would […]

Looking forward to 2023

My bingo card for 2022 was: I thought I had whiffed on the rolling blackouts but at the very end of the year the U.S. got hit by a bad cold snap and a dozen states had to ration electricity: 3 out of 3! 2023 will see more of the same: high energy costs, weak […]

Crime Maximalization

The neo-reactionary twitter account Covefe Anon has a theory that the American regime has the goal of maximizing crime. The government wants crime to be as high as possible without triggering revolt from the masses. What are the conditions of maximum crime? This is pretty much what America does. Why does America want maximum crime? […]

Catholic Female Paradigms

In my last post I threw out the idea that the infrastructure of the pro-life movement in the United States was largely built by Catholic laywomen. Stay-at-home Catholic moms built the lobbying groups and crisis pregnancy centers, and organized the marches, often in opposition to a limp-wristed and morally compromised clerical class. Laymen did more […]

Thoughts on Dobbs

First, you can thank the American Catholic laity for it. In most polls Catholics have the same opinions on abortion as everyone else, but pro-life Catholics are the backbone of the movement. It was lay Catholics who developed the legal arguments, organized the marches, created the lobbying groups and founded the crisis pregnancy centers, often […]

Will there be an end to the anti-government?

In my last post I described how elements of the U.S. government are in fact an anti-government motivated by utopian ideologies and spite. The anti-government isn’t intentionally incompetent, the incompetence comes with the ideology. With the collapse of government credibility in Afghanistan, how much longer can the anti-government survive? Surely this destructive imbecility can’t last […]

Godliness is not attractive?

Christian Red Pill bloggers like Aaron Renn insist (against the claims of Evangelical preachers) that godliness does not attract women. Women, instead, are attracted to power, what we call “alpha” attributes, i.e. size, strength, status, confidence, money. In fact, godliness is unattractive. Godliness is “beta”. Women will settle for “betas” because they are good providers, […]

The Great Discrediting

I’ve been complaining about the collapsing credibility of American institutions since 2016 or so. I suppose this is not the first “Great Discrediting”, there seems to have been a previous wave of it in the late 60s and early 70s back when the Holden Caulfields of the world were criticizing the phonies*. That was before […]

2020: On Balance A Good Year

A year ago I was bored stiff at work and decided that in 2020 I would find a new job. By April I was glad I didn’t; at my current job I am able to work from home in a stable industry. I got paid every two weeks, covering all my bills and all my […]