Monthly Archives: October 2013

Photo tour of Lancaster, Massaschussets

I am new to photography and would never have dreamed of taking it up except for the fact that 1) digital cameras are so easy to use, and 2) I happen to reside in a particularly pretty corner of the earth. Even though I spent the first 20 years of my life in Lancaster, in […]

Book Review: The Second Coming

In The Second Coming (1980) Walker Percy revisits Will Barrett, the main character from his 1966 novel The Last Gentleman. Will, now forty-five, hasn’t changed much over the years: still absentminded, lonely, earnest and shy, trying to do his best and generally missing the point. Having been left a fortune by his late wife (as well as having […]

Why watch TV?

Once I was watching the nightly news with my parents. The anchor had been teasing a story about a new breakthrough in paleontology before each commercial break, and since I was fascinated by all things paleontological I kept on watching through all the boring political and economic stuff until the end of the broadcast. Finally […]